I needed a userfriendly place to keep my recipes, you know, the ones that I had cut out from magazines, learnt from my mother, eaten in restaurants and at dinner with friends. What better way then to write them down in a blog; I have my own easily accessible database and I can share them with you. Apart from cooking food I do a weekly dinner menu for our little family including a shopping list of all ingredients. Stay tuned as I get myself sorted to post these on a weekly basis.

Thank you,

Josefin Aldell

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Haddock with almond pesto

It's been a while since I posted but I guess Christmas gets the best of all of us! The kids have been unwell so not a lot of excitement food wise lately anyway. Today is the once-a-week-fish-day and I made one of my favourites. Growing up in Gothenburg, Sweden, the food in school was generally nothing to call home about, especially not the fish ones, but there was this one fish dish that I liked and it had some sort of almond covering. I found a recipe in a kids cook book a few years back and made a more grown-up version of it. It is simple and quick! Served with oven roasted root vegetables and maybe a dollop of lemon mayonnaise.

500g of haddock (or cod or any other white fish)
2 garlic cloves (or 1 large)
10g chopped parsley
1 dl breadcrumbs
1 dl of almonds
1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp rapeseed oil

Preheat the oven to 200ºC. 
Add chopped garlic, chopped parsley, breadcrumbs, almonds, salt and rape seed oil in a food processor and whiz until blended. 

Put the fish in an oven-proof dish and spread the fish with the almond pesto. Leave to cook in the oven for 15 mins. It smells divine when it is cooking. Serve with oven roasted root vegetables like sweet potato, parsnips and carrots.  

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