I needed a userfriendly place to keep my recipes, you know, the ones that I had cut out from magazines, learnt from my mother, eaten in restaurants and at dinner with friends. What better way then to write them down in a blog; I have my own easily accessible database and I can share them with you. Apart from cooking food I do a weekly dinner menu for our little family including a shopping list of all ingredients. Stay tuned as I get myself sorted to post these on a weekly basis.

Thank you,

Josefin Aldell

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Potato and jerusalem artichoke mash

Here is the recipe of the mash we ate with the pork and apple sausages and brussels sprouts.

Ingredients (for the four of us)
3 large potatoes, preferably king edward
2-3 jerusalem artichokes
2 tbsp butter
1/2 dl cream
salt and pepper

Peel the potatoes and jerusalem artichokes. Place in pan with salted water, bring to a boil and leave until very tender. When done leave to steam for a bit. Then add butter and cream and mix with beaters to a lovely fluffy mash. Season.


  1. Beautiful friend, what a nice blog you have started! I'm your new-old admirer and follower, love Andrea

  2. Oh goodness, you found me already? How did you do that? Lots of love and hope you enjoy the blog! X Josefin
